Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Amazing Spiderman and Expendables 2 along with some others....

Welcome to the blogspot of AJ and his amazing movie intellect that you will most certainly enjoy.

First movie is The Amazing Spider-Man.  I was not sure why they felt spidey needed a reboot after only 10 years from when Sam Raimi released his first Spiderman, but Hollywood felt it was needed.  First thing is first, Tobey Maguire is gone as is Sam Raimi, Kirsten Dunst, James Franco and every other notable character from the first trilogy.  Sad.  In comes Andrew Garfield from Social Network fame to reprise the role of Spiderman\Peter Parker.  Retelling the story of how he becomes the spider man was ok i guess.  The best part of the movie was the new villian, Dr. Kurt Connors aka the Lizard.  Dr. Connors is a scientist obsessed with cross species  gene splicing, lizards to be precise.  He lost his arm when he was younger and wants to grow another like how a lizard can grow back their tail if it is removed.  Parker unknowingly helps Connors unlike the secret but by doing so unleashes a new destructive force on the city. 

I have no problem with Garfield or the lovely Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy, still I liked Maguire but Stone is a definite upgrade over Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen.  Also starring Martin Sheen and Sally Field as Uncle Ben and Aunt May, Denis Leary as Captain Stacy and Rhys Ifans as Kurt Connors.  Pretty solid cast and it did have the obligatory Stan Lee cameo I was waiting for.  Special effects are top of the line and the writing got better as the movie went on.  We can expect 2 more sequels with Garfield and Stone signed on for at least 2 more movies.  Surely this movie can be enjoyed and should be.  4\5 stars.

Next is the macho man oozing sequel to the Expendalbes, the Expendalbes 2.  Simple and sweet, just like the movie.  The best thing about the first one was all the old action stars getting together, rubbing ben gay on each other and deciding to shoot a movie while they were all here.  Same formula for part 2.  Just a rundown of who is in this movie, Stallone, Statham, Li, Lundgren, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, Van Damme, Norris, Willis, and Schwartzanegger, a cornicopia of 80's over the top action.  Yes I did use the name of a Stallone 80's movie for that.  I love Over the Top.  Bull Hurley was great and how cool to be named Lincoln cool of a name is that.  

The Expendables take a job to clear their name from the first movie and of course get burned by new villian Jean Claude Van Damme.  Cool, I know.  They lose a comrade and take a vow of vengeance against him and spend the rest of the movie getting their lily asses kicked.  I dont want to spoil the movie but alot of bullets get shot, alot of people die and the one-liners, oh my goodness the one liners in this movie are epic.  But it has got to be about time for alot of these stars to stop pretending they are action stars or actors for that matter.  Surprised we have not seen any of them on reality TV or something like that.  Still I did enjoy the movie and would recommend it fans of action and people looking for some nostalgia.  3\5 stars.

I would have just put a steaming pile of dog crap instead of the poster for this movie but I thought a pile of poo was also a horrible way to die, but this torture would be worse.  I fast forward thru half the movie and still it did not go anywhere.  Critics said it was a new genre changing horror flick, hopefully that genre is not boring ass slow moving pieces of garbage with bad camera work, bad writing and bad acting.  Never explained what was going on because it was too busy trying to be a new kind of horror movie, almost like a real life experience.  I wish it was a real life situation.  I would have rather of been beaten by a homeless bum with aids than watch this movie ever again.  Please do not view it on Netflix, many better movies to watch instead.  0\5 stars.  Winner of the Turdburger Special of the Week.

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